SAMPLE - System for Automatic Airport Obstacle Monitoring
The goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive SAMPLE system enabling detection and monitoring of obstacles with the functions of visualization of risk analysis, reporting and automatic notification. The main feature of the systemwill be the ability to automatically generate data on air obstacles and terrain based on satellite images (Earth Observation) and supplementary data. The system will enable automatic detection of newly created air obstacles andmonitoring changes in air obstacles and terrain parameters with the functions of risk analysis visualization, its reportingand automatic notification of changes in obstacle and terrain parameters in the vicinity of airports and helicopter landingpads in the territory of the Republic of Poland (e.g. Air Rescue Service) and in any given area (globally). Project results will be used by entities responsible for air traffic safety and will allow the implementation of formal requirements forobstacle monitoring in specific areas of airports and airstrips.
Co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Smart Growth”, sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development work implemented by enterprises”.
Project Value: 17 515 932,69 PLN
Co-finance NCBR: 12 724 798,38 PLN

ARAMMIS - Automatic mobile preventive system of light navigation aids for airports
The goal of the project is to carry out research and development works, as a result of which an innovative, automatic mobile system for preventive maintenance of light navigation aids for airports in the form of a mobile robot will be created. The system will enable automatic measurements of light intensity and life cycle management of light fittings for navigation aids (AGL – Airport Ground Lights) within the required light intensity at public use airports adapted to provide air operations in conditions of reduced visibility 550 <RVR <350m (Runway Visibility Range – longitudinal visibility) runway), i.e. in CAT II and below RVR 350m visibility, i.e. CAT The implementation of R&D works will allow the introduction of a proactive system based on multidimensional data analysis – predictive maintenance and artificial intelligence. The sensor system created as a result of the project, placed on the mobile platform, will make it possible to perform measurements automatically, and the archived measurement data will be analyzed by using predictive tools. The resulting solution will constitute innovation on an international scale. The result of the product implementation will be, among others development of the aging and wear characteristics of navigation luminaires, optimizing the number of spare luminaires at airports, reducing the pressure of replacing defective luminaires and minimizing the probability of failure.
Co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Smart Growth”, sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development work implemented by enterprises”.
Project Valueu: 7 712 650,00 PLN
Co-finance NCBR: 5 871 707,50 PLN

HRESS - continuous airspace monitoring system in the vicinity of the landing field
The main goal of the project is to carry out research and development work of a new technology – a continuous airspace monitoring system working in the vicinity of the landing site (HeliPort Remote Safeguard System – HRESS). The result of the project will be a product innovation in the form of a technology that will be implemented in the company’s business in order to expand the company’s product offer. The results of the project will be used to detect threats and inform the landing site manager and pilots about the availability of the landing site on an ongoing basis – the project will develop an automated landing site validation system (HP Validity System [HP-VS]), which continuously scans the surface and airspace in search of the possibility of setting up a helicopter landing site. The system determines the limiting surfaces required by applicable regulations and informs about their violation in real time, thus significantly increasing safety and facilitating the use and management of the landing site’s infrastructure.
Co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Smart Growth”, sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development work implemented by enterprises”.
Project Value: 1 481 161,50 PLN
Co-finance NCBR: 1 122 305,64 PLN

GO TO BRAND - Increasing the international competitiveness of AP-Tech Sp. z o.o. by participating in the industry promotion program.
The aim of the project is was promote the enterprise flagship product – the Clear AirSpace navigation system – on foreign markets, increase brand recognition and revenues from foreign sales. The indirect goal is the further development of the company, including expanding the product and service offer, and increasing employment. In the case of such a specialized industry as aviation, the customer market should be considered on a global scale. The consolidation of the market position, and thus the increase in sales, will allow the company to undertake further development activities.
Co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Smart Growth”, sub-measure 3.3.3 “support for SMB enterprises in the promotion of product brands”.
Project Value: 1 066 537,00 PLN

Internationalization SMB – Increasing international competitiveness of AP-Tech Sp. z o.o.
The aim of the project is to promote the enterprise flagship products – ATOS, PORTOS, MonSter, HRESS – on foreign markets, increase brand recognition and revenues from foreign sales. The indirect goal is the further development of the company, including expanding the product and service offer, and increasing employment. In the case of such a specialized industry as aviation, the customer market should be considered on a global scale. The consolidation of the market position, and thus the increase in sales, will allow the company to undertake further development activities.
Co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Eastern Poland 2014-2020”, I Enterpreneur Eastern Polandsub-measure 1.2 Internacjonalizacja MŚP “support for SMB enterprises in the promotion of product brands”.
Project Value: 506 657,00 PLN
Co-finance PARP: 353 090,00 PLN

Polish Technology Bridges
The aim of the project is to promote the enterprise flagship products: ATOS, PORTOS, MonSter, HRESS on selected market – USA. The indirect goal is the further development of the company, including expanding the product and service offer, and increasing employment. In the case of such a specialized industry as aviation, the customer market should be considered on a global scale. The consolidation of the market position, and thus the increase in sales, will allow the company to undertake further development activities.
Co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Smart Growth”,measure 3.3 ”Supporting promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises” sub-measure 3.3.1 “Polish Technology Bridges”.
Project Value: 119 950,00 PLN

Innowacyjny ekspozytor towarów wraz z systemem doradztwa klientowi wykonanego na zlecenie firmy AP-TECH Sp. z o.o.
Celem projektu jest skorzystanie z proinnowacyjnych usług świadczonych przez jednostki naukowe. Na podstawie danych zebranych podczas analiz rynkowych jakie przeprowadził Wnioskodawca, stwierdzono, że takie rozwiązanie jest oczekiwane i poszukiwane na rynku, ze względu na fakt, że oferowane przez konkurencje rozwiązania nie zaspokajają wszystkich potrzeb użytkowników i dostawców towarów w zakresie ich ekspozycji oraz wyszukiwania i informowania o aktualnym stanie zatowarowania.
W efekcie możliwe będzie rozpoczęcie produkcji urządzenia na skalę przemysłową. Tym samym firma umocni swoją pozycję na rynku, co wpływanie na zwiększenie jej rozpoznawalności oraz na wzrost przychodów.
Wartość projektu: 489 540,00 PLN
Dofinansowanie: 338 300,00 PLN